If you still need help, you can call us at 1-888-371-6541 .or 1-888-371-6541 or 1-888-371-6541 1.888. 4INTUIT copyright Error Error Basic, Enhanced or Standard, M-F 6 AM to 6 PM PT. copyright Error Assisted Error, any time, any day. 1-888-371-6541 Open copyright. Go to Help, then select copyright Error Help/Contact Us.1-888-371-6541 Select Contact Us. Give a brief description of your ... https://forum.clientexec.com/threads/how-do-i-contact-copyright-payroll-customer-service-%E2%9E%A1for-help-with-%E2%9D%9Equickbooks-error-support-support-number%E2%9D%9E.6814/